Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:53

I Think Writing Is the Only Job I know I Can Do Well🫢

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And I'm just speaking hypothetically here because I've had people tell me numerous times outside of family that my books and my writing is stellar. And then I've had maybe a couple who did not feel what I was writing. But even with the naysayers, I still feel like writing is the only job that I'm qualified for. And I was reading Big Magic by the author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert

#writing #careers #thoughts

Claudia Walsh
@Claudie52 · 1:03
You. Books that live rev free in my mind are books that I read when I was young that have stayed with me forever. I've always thought of them from time to time. They just go into my mind. One of them is Ethan Fraum, which I rebought this year and reread after 50 years. And it was wonderful. It's just a great book. Another one was Lord of the Flies. Same thing. I bought it again, reread it this year, and wow
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:09
But I remember the COVID It showed, like, this translucent hatchet above a young boy's head. And I remember even that book was pretty descriptive even for youth reading back then. But when I look back on it, those are books that I like that had very strong messages in it. What's another one? I am the cheese. I remember we had to pick a scene out to reenact