Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:17

I’ve Experienced the MOST Riveting, Long Form Poem by Walt Whitman This Morning: " I Sing the Body Electric"

article image placeholderWalt Whitman | Poetry Foundation
Good morning, good morning, or good evening, wherever you are. I've experienced the most moving poem I've ever read by Walt Whitman. He's the author of the book leaves of Grass. And so he's one of those classic poets that we may have heard about in school, or we may have seen his poems this somewhere. Either way, I am fascinated by his poem. I sing the body electric

Link to poetry foundation: https://s.swell.life/SU4MGMCZXxSaXaN #AmericanPoets #WaltWhitman #ClassicPoems

Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:37
And you're like, it's such a powerful, amazing poem. And Whitman's influence and what he did for poetry is absolutely outstanding. Now, when I think of the title, I first think of a Twilight Zone episode called I sing the Body Electric, which was adapted by Ray Bradbury, who wrote a short story of the same title. And of course, he took this title from Whitman's poem, I sing about the by
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:12


Thank you for chiming in, Glenn. That's why the title sounds so familiar, because I'm a big Twilight zone fan. The black and white version of Twilight Zone. I'm old school like that. So I was like, this sounds very familiar. And the poem itself is just so. I mean, it's like reading a poem, but also an eloquent anatomy book. The way he describes the bodies doing what they do, it's like he reduced