Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:12

Day 4– Get Published (quickly), You CAN Do This!+ What is the MOST Popular Book Genre Selling Right Now?✍🏽

article image placeholderThe Shadow Work Journal 2nd Edition: a Guide to Integrate and Transcend Your Shadows: The Essential Guidebook for Shadow Work
Hey. Hey. This is Erica at Bun Bun Book Pick, and I'm coming at you with day four of getting your book published quickly, and hopefully you are still writing your book, or at least you're thinking about writing your book. I want to talk today about hot categories that you should be aware of. And what I mean by hot categories are genres and books that are hot right now, especially on Amazon

Shadow Work Journal👉🏽 https://amzn.to/48vtygk, #AffiliateMarketing , #writing, #GettingPublished, #TeachingSeries

Mike W
@Scribe7 · 2:51


As far as length, too, is another question. I'm sorry. What separates a novel from a novella and what is a good length for it? That type of book, like autobiography or a memoir? Talking about your life, is there any I imagine it can't be a short story if you 54 years old, but I'm just saying what's your opinion on that?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 5:00


And that actually encouraged me where I felt like maybe I wasn't good enough, or what story do I have and how do I structure it? And all those things I realized these people, I could pick ten books from the shelf, and they all could be on the same topic. They could all be from the inspirational genre, self help genre. It really don't matter
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:55


Hello. Sorry, I was just talking. I forgot that I got cut off. I didn't realize I had reached my five minutes. But I can talk about this kind of stuff all day. So that's why it was my editor who suggested at the end of each chapter, I had the prayer. She suggested that I put the journal prompts for reflection or questions for journal prompts, and then actually, of space at the end of each chapter for people to write on it
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:51


But what I understand about memoir is some people think that they have to go all the way back in time to write a memoir. And we know that that would be pages and pages and pages. But from what I learned, taking advanced writing classes, and also from the memoir book that I told you about, what I've learned is that you can just take a snapshot of your life and focus on that
article image placeholderMemoir Writing For Dummies
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:54
Because, as I've mentioned to Mike in my response, yes, there are certain rules that I've learned in writing classes and things like that, but these rules are made to be broken because we're all different people and we all have different creative styles. I don't follow anyone's rules when I write. I just write what I'm passionate about and what's in my heart. That's the main thing