Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:45

The More I Learn About Emily Dickinson, the More I Grow Goosebumps😬 | Notes On America’s Reclusive Poet

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You. Hi, everyone. I just wanted to come on here and briefly talk about ram et in the book on Emily Dickinson, who was one of America's favorite poets. She still is. She lived in the 18th, in the 18 hundreds, so the 19th century. She was an amazing poet. And I'm still reading this biography because I have other books I've been reading at the same time

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The more I hear about Emily Dickens, the more I wonder if she was neurodivergent. In some ways I resonate with the I often describe myself as a hermit. I'm all game for taking a walk and getting out into nature or the neighborhood, whatever, but public spaces with lots of people and everything else. No thank you. I have an up coming task I must attend to interacting with people and for hours at a time
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:00


I've only had, maybe I could count on one hand, a couple of experiences where it actually was something that I was thinking of just coming back home from. I was like, oh, gosh. But the majority of the experiences, like you said, it was so worth it. But, yeah, all the best to you and your task at hand, and thank you so much for responding
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:27
While I love me some Emily Dickinson poems, I have not delved into her backstory, so I am definitely looking forward to hearing more of what you share with us. But I am also wondering, is that spinach and cheese on that plate? Like, what is that dish? I think I see sushi. See you
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:04

@Chey Freading has so many great eBooks, the app can be wonky 😅

And also her love life, or lack of one for a while. Drama. Like, what kind of drama? Something you would see in a soap opera between her, her family members, and this mystery person that she may have loved. It's just a lot right now. It's a lot, but it's good
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Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:13
This is great. And then I found that her writing was actually found and published after she passed, and I was like, really? Like, wow, that's very interesting. But yeah, girl, keep sharing. And that dish, that looks amazing. I love mexican. Some good mexican food. Let me put it that way, because Taco Bell is not it, but I love me some good mexican food
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:45


Now, when I write my fiction and my poetry, for me, it's like vomiting. I have to get it up out of me, and I do it because I feel better afterwards. But at the same time, I do hope that a person is moved by this vomit that I wrote, and I hope that it entertains them. Now, if I get recognized for it or paid for it, that in itself is a bonus
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 4:16
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your eyes, or your eye, and I know how scary that can be, but thank goodness it sounds like you're back to normal again. Sometimes those little scares can just make us grateful that we have what we have, can't they? Thanks so much for your swell cast. I really appreciated this post a lot. Thank you
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Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:16


She kept reams and reams of poetry that she just had to get out of her. And she did not want her stuff to be published because she didn't want to appear as if she's writing for publication. She wanted her items to be published after she left this world. That was her request. She wanted that to happen after. But there was a publisher who really, really enjoyed her work, and he wished that she would have let him publish her words. So I get it
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 3:53

@HeyItsErica https://s.swell.life/SUBGRTPyt5pHL5v

It's not easy, but communication and I don't know if you've heard me talk about before, but, like, mostly we don't get sarcasm. You know, when somebody's being sarcastic about something, we take it as truth because we don't know how to differentiate between the two. And if someone's joking around about something, we won't know unless someone comes right out and says, hey, I'm joking
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Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:18


And I totally appreciate that, especially sharing the fact that you write in the journals. I love journaling. I think I've spoken about it on swell. It was probably several months ago, but I love journaling. And right now I've been actively keeping a poetic journal because I've just been so inspired by Emily Dickinson. And I also have a gratitude journal app that I use. But I do have plenty of physical journals and I totally understand. I really do understand where you're coming from
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 2:09


Because there's no point in, you know, rummaging about with that on my shoulders when it's not welcome. So as far as you telling me anything, I really feel great about you being willing to share with me, so don't worry about offending me. Secondly, I do know how to do the private message and effective message you back. I just don't. I don't do that, really, just because I said it somewhere else