Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:52

Maybe We’re Looking At Karma ALL Wrong🤔

If you continue to smoke cigarettes, for instance, like my dad did, he smoked a lot of cigarettes, and he ended up getting esophagal cancer. And so he didn't blame God and he didn't blame the stars or nothing like that. He looked at me and he told me it's because of how he lived his life. This is just what will happen naturally when you damage your body. So it's nothing supernatural or magical or anything. This is what happens

#Karma #Spirituality #Thoughts

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 5:00
One other thing, and I did not mean to take up five minutes, but this is a really good topic. It's really good. It's deep. It's one I could talk about all day, clearly, but I often think about older people who are, like, in nursing homes and stuff, and everybody feels bad because they don't have any visitors. I get it. But I also say we don't know what that person was like when they were younger
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:36


Hi, Anne. I love the points that you brought up, especially about those who are older in age. And we see that they don't have no visitors. When I used to work in the hospital, there were some people who didn't have visitors come by. And this is why. And it was someone who told me this, a church friend, a long time ago. This is why we are supposed to cultivate good relationships while we're all here