Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:46

Killing off Characters CAN Be a Cop Out, or a DIVINE Weapon…I Think?🤔

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I'm telling y'all, the book, his muse really got me feeling some type of way. The last book that made me feel this way was the poppy war, because key characters literally got killed off in that. In that book, in that series that I didn't see coming. And the series is like a military fantasy type of series. So if war is to be expected, then, of course, death is to be expected. So there you go. So

#writing #books Books Mentioned: ‘His Muse’ by Twyla Turner and ‘The Poppy War’ by RF Kuang

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:54


If a person's just killing off characters to make things easy, readers can spot that, you know, us bookworms out here, we. We can tell when someone is trying to take the easy route out. And I think with this particular book, his muse, I think that it was more shocking to us. And in a way, it worked because we were able to breathe and see how far the relationship can go with the main character. But