Freddie Jackson
@hero2u08 · 0:51

Bad car accident

You? Yes. I just wanted to tell this short story about how when I was in New Mexico at 19 years old traveling home to enjoy my Christmas vacation break, car flipped over a cliff. We went down about 30ft, was caught by a tree. The car was literally wrapped around the tree and the four of us survived. No one was hurt

#TellYourStory @while

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:18
Oh, my goodness. What a story. And what a miracle. I'm so glad that you all were okay. It sounds. Sounds still very scary, but certainly the outcome. You hope for that everybody left okay. What a miracle
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 1:24
There have to have been times since then that you've been able to help someone or been able to negotiate a situation that had that not happened to you, you might not have been able to help a person as much or understand as much or if you had been hurt, especially if you'd been hurt very badly, all the people that you would not be able to help in your family even, or the other people in the car