Jessica Cabrera
@hermosa071 · 4:40

Introduction to I'm just "j-sing"

I'm a great description person and I totally plan on using this platform to inform, hopefully enlighten people in ways that they are not genuinely paying attention to. So basically, yeah, I'm a very deep person. I'm a Libra. I don't know if any of you all care about that, but have more Sagittarius and Scorpio in my chart than anything. I love astrology. I spent my whole life knowing and loving God, but never quite feeling like it was the complete story

It's something you would just have to listen to...

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:38
And I am an early childhood educator, so I love listening to kids. I totally agree with you on that. And I also have worked with kids on the autism spectrum and I really enjoy working with neurodivergent folks. And I also love research as well. So I guess my question for you would be like, what are you researching right now? Are there any books that you're reading or podcasts you're listening to?