Heath Johnson
@heathofsd · 2:11

To Church or not to Church

You. I keep running into this debate pretty much every Sunday morning on if I should show up to church or not. I grew up in the church and was even a preacher at one point for a couple of years. And a lot of stuff happened in my life that really just moved me out of that world. And as I'm older now, I go back and forth and seeing the value of ritual and routine versus just not being able to handle organized religion in any form or fashion

#deconstruction #organizedreligion #faith

Eric Moore
@moneyz16 · 1:01

Church or not

And if you get an encounter at one of these churches or something, you will know if it's good or not. You don't have to look at the people. You don't have to look at all that other stuff. Just go wanting to seek Jesus and you will know if it's a good church or not. And that's how that works
Enrique irby
@wandering_RiQ · 2:24


I'm just not in that church background anymore. And I think that each person has to figure out their own destiny or their own outcome when it comes to those type of things. Me particularly, I don't think that you need to go to any house of worship to meet God, because God is already within you, so you don't need to go to a house of worship, a church or anything to be able to do that