kanu Vashisht
@HeartTalkstoyou · 5:00

Phases of Mood

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So I just want to tell that sometimes it happens like you don't want to discuss anything to anyone, you just want your me time, right? So it's sometimes getting very tough to handle that phase or mood or time I should say, whosoever is very close to your heart, you don't even want to talk to that person as well

#happiness #courage #pressure #mood swings

@HTH · 0:54

#moodswings #life #beautyoflife

We have a lot of swings, phases of mood we are happy then we are again sad, we are again happy this goes on and I think that makes our life more livable kind of thing and to be honest these things pushes us so that we have a hope in our heart that, yes, there is a light at the end of tunnel and we have to go on, we have to push ourselves. Yeah, that happens
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:08
So it's very very important for us to have a control over our emotions, control over our mood. And second thing is, the main reason behind the mood swings are the expectations that we have from situations, from people around us. So I feel if we could have a control over this and if we could generate some kind of healthy habits through which we can actually utilize these moods to help or to bring someone out, out of dilemma or depression, that would actually help us a lot
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 1:07
There's no such thing to be called mood swing. Mood swing is a kind of an escape mechanism we are getting into just to allay our responsibilities in life. So never get entrapped. Never get into this vicious cycle called mood swing. There's no such thing called mood swings. It's all in our mind. So just keep those thoughts in your mind which is going to help you in the long run, okay?