Shaconna G
@HEALthySELF · 4:58

New year??? new you??

And I think they put so much pressure on this stuff that they give up. So I do believe in health, overall fitness, wellness, all of that mental health, everything, and encompasses us. So I've been just trying my best all year and I don't think it's going to try any harder in January, but I'm just going to continue to be consistent. So my two cent are just be consistent

Lets focus on obtainable Goals throughout the year.

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:26
I was so deep into my goals for today and for the week ahead that I was at this four way stop. So deep into my thought, I could hear the person in my backseat shift a couple of times. And that's what caught my attention, because I was like, Why can't they get comfortable? And then I realized that shifting was their discomfort, that I had totally zoned out