Harsh Sandhu
@HashlerSandhu23 · 4:07

The Psychology of Money-2

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Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money. Wealth is the nice cars not purchased, the diamonds not about, the watches not worn, the clothes forgone, and the first class upgrade declined. Wealth is financial assets that haven't yet been converted into the stuff use. When most people say they want to be a millionaire, what they might actually mean is I would like to spend a million dollars. And that is literally the opposite of being a millionaire

#selfhelp #motivation #finance #psychology #money #life #education

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:19
It's rather about earning the wealth and keeping it. It's always about keeping it. And I think there are so many cautionary tales in movies about this as well, right, where someone becomes rich overnight and they spend it all. But I think the real art of whatever you say lies in preserving the wealth, in keeping the wealth. I think it's an extremely intelligent take on it all
Harsh Sandhu
@HashlerSandhu23 · 0:09


Thank you so much, Aishani, for giving time to this and adding important information. Keep rolling