Harsha Gehlani
@harsha06 · 0:38

You cannot die..

You cannot die when you're trying to survive anyway. You cannot sleep if you aren't trying to solve issues of your insomnia, if you're just trying to be awake. You cannot be achieving most of your goals and most of it if all you do is be in your comfort zone. It might be tough, but stop contradicting for once and try just going for it. I promise it will help


Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 1:44
Hi. Good morning. This is prabha. Yes. Unless God requires you, you cannot go to Him. The Almighty needs you. You cannot go and be one with Him. And you have so many responsibilities in this world, and that is the reason you have taken the birth. As a human in this birth, you have to complete all the responsibilities and the tasks that are supposed to be done by you. And only you can do it. None others than you can do it