Abhishek Haridasan
@harryrockerz · 4:48

#TellYourStory | Visual prompt: Paper boat on water

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Well, that's a discussion for a different day. But of course, when you're aged six to ten, you have no care about anything other than yourself, your fun, and creating paper boats and setting them sail in these puddles and potholes. So a beautiful experience, especially when you're under ten, under 15. Also because you try to relate things of what you go through, or rather learn during science classes

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb18 @dobbsty https://s.swell.life/SU3dVv6RtkolA1r

Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 1:29
You truly said that 90s kids. They know very well about open spaces and many friends in free time. So many types of games were there no Internet it and we all enjoyed. I also belong the childhood and it definitely we enjoyed different games. Kulidanda Kanchis for Tok all other games. Lagri Hulgadagad it was different time, lot of time. Full of happiness and full of friends and space. Was there open fields were there. People used to fly kites. They had time friends. It was amazing