Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 3:02

A Brief History of Happiness

Early Christian philosophy. Somewhat agreed. Although Christ enjoins his followers throughout the New Testament to rejoice and be glad, the general idea is that although you may suffer greatly on earth, think the beatitudes, your reward or happiness in heaven will be greater. Both the classical and Christian traditions believed that happiness likely necessitated a healthy dose of pain. But whereas classical philosophers prescribed happiness to the span of one's life, christian followers portrayed happiness as attainable only after death

#happiness #wellbeing #mentalhealth

Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 2:12
Throughout the ensuing centuries, the idea of seeking out happiness as something not only acceptable but necessary permeated all aspects of the culture from the increasingly white collar workforce, where happiness is even to this day, associated with consumerism, to the family. Where wives were encouraged to create an atmosphere of unconditional and perpetual happiness for their hard working husbands. To childhood. Where happiness of children quickly became an all consuming concern. In our country in particular, the meme of the smiling American was already beginning to take shape