I mean, all the inventions in the world, they had their seed in the imagination of the inventor. And just this power of imagination fascinates me. So I want from you guys that what do you think about power of imagination? And what role does imagination play in our lives? So please, enlighten us all with your thoughts and opinions

Musings of a rainy evening #foodforthought



Because if we didn't have imagination, the what if questions, then we wouldn't have the technology, the science advancements even maybe the ways that we interact socially, our understandings of each other, let alone understandings of self. It's that power of imagination that really opens up doors and then creatively playing with those what if just yeah. So powerful. So powerful
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 0:43
Thank you for your response, Plum. And, yes, thank you for bringing out the point that imagination can be used in so many other ways, and not just in art and music and conventional fields of imagination that we often witness. And this just shows the power of imagination. That how pervasive it is in our daily lives, in fact, and how we have evolved and developed ourselves because of our imagination. So, yes, thank you for applying and keep swelling. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

ash dew
@ashdew · 0:46
And that is the reason that sometimes we worry too much, imagining all kinds of negative or crazy things. So, yes, imagination can either destroy us, or we can use it for creating something great
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 0:48
So one must be extremely wise enough and self aware enough to be able to imagine good things for them and to have that wisdom that it's okay if your imagination doesn't come to reality. It
Mitakshara Shirgaonkar
@Mitakshara · 3:22
So, for example, it could be one full bowl of vegetables cooked in the barley, flour with some spices and paneer. So it's a one complete meal for everybody to enjoy and it's a quick recipe. You don't need to really have too much of preparation time as well. And that's quite a fulfilling meal. So this is one example of imagination that I can think of which I have used. Definitely
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 2:09
But this drip irrigation system, I can imagine because my father keeps on talking about and he keeps on established different systems for efficient management of the terrace garden. I completely understand how difficult it is. But kudos to you that you experimented while I was listening to a reply. I also understood. And because of the anecdotes that you shared from your own life, I also think that courage is one important attribute. It is not just about imagination. Of course
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:41
Whatever has happened in the world which made history, it came from the imagination. Whatever we are seeing right now, especially when you talk about all kind of inventions and innovations that we are utilizing right now, are the imagination of a person and who executed it. So imagination is really very wonderful tool, I say, because the moment you start imagining, you can actually create wonders and miracles around you and that really plays very different. So I too agree that imagination is really powerful
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:01
Hi, Gauri. Thank you very much for your insightful reply. I absolutely loved the way you explained the process of imagination. So that observation comes first, and then you question it, and then you imagine things in your own way and then you implement it. It's wonderfully put by you and yes, and I think courage is important to be able to observe and to be able to accept and to be able to reimagine things in your own way and to implement your imagination