Yurleidy Adams
@Goddess1212 · 3:10

Follow your Dreams

Follow your dreams if you want to succeed in life. Surround yourself of good people that can add things to your life. God want us to grow. He wants us to be the best version of ourselves. Sometimes, for many situations in our lives, we kind of get stuck. We don't move much. We allow other people to decide for us. We don't even try to make our dreams come true. We allow society, the people that surround us, to decide for us

Do what ever you have to do to succeed!

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:28
Great message here. Thank you so much for sharing. Yeah, sometimes chasing the dreams can be so hard and challenging, but, you know, a message like this helps remember why we do it. So thank you for taking the time to share and hope you're having a beautiful week. And yeah, I just hope you continue to be inspired in every single way possible. Thanks for sharing your swell today
