Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 5:00

Why I don’t want my kids in school

Hello, grand rising hope. Everybody's having a blessed morning. So today I am going to talk about the reason why learned and I also don't, I try to teach my kids, I'm not allowing my children to go to school, to go to public school. I don't have to. I mean, everybody else could be conformed into the system and do what they do as they please, but I am not following the laws of this system in this world
Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 5:00
The same thing with the backseat, the immunity shots, this system force. They force immunity shots on black children. I bet you if a white person goes to the hospital and they say, I don't want to vaccinate my children, they'd be like, okay, cool. But if as soon as it's a black parent comes to the hospital with a child they like, oh, I'm not interested in vaccinating my child. Oh, they put pressure. They force