Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 5:00

Truth hurts

So naturally, a white female's body, by nature, is flat, is straight, no curves whatsoever, naturally. So this is what they did as time went past. They had a female, they had a female slave that had tremendous curves, and they mocked her. They laughed at her. I don't remember her name, but she's on YouTube. She's everywhere. They laughed at her. They macked her. They put her in a cage
Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 4:55
They act like they don't so bad. But deep down inside they wish they could be us. This is why they tan. This is why they get lip injections. This is why they want to get braids to antagonize the black people. Because for black person to wear braids or to wear her hair natural at a job, at a professional setting is against the protocol of the job. But if a white person does it, it's okay. If a white person wear locks, it's okay