Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:46

#CollageChallenge Flavour Trip

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You. Hello, everyone, this is Glenn and I'm responding to the Collagechallenge Flavour trip I was invited to by Row, where you sort of share something about yourself or something you're into. Could be a picture, could be a link or something like that. And this is very recent for me. I've kind of gone through like, this very quick rabbit hole of these videos. There's this group called Flavor Hurt, jimmy and the Male a me, I think


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:18
Hi, Glenn. Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm I'm definitely gonna check them out. I love a good DJ set. A DJ set outside. Super vibey. And if it puts you in a good mood, well, I mean, I'm into it. I'm interested. Thank you. Thank you for sharing and for participating in the Collage Challenge