Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:50

Do you consider Artificial Intelligence a friend or foe?

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Hello, everyone. So the biggest news story in technology for the past six to nine months has been artificial intelligence, the emergence of AI. Recently, Jeffrey hinton, a computer scientist considered the godfather of artificial intelligence, quit his job at google and has been warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence. And of course, there are concerns ranging from jobs that can be taken by AI. To will AI. Try to basically kill us like all the science fiction movies we've seen over the years?

Do you think AI will help or hurt you? #AskSwell

faith s
@fas · 2:33
I think even three years ago it was getting quite popular to talk about, but then everyone sort of talking about web three and now they're not talking about that anymore, so they start talking my AI again. But yeah, it's interesting. I guess as you say in Sci-Fi films, you have the like I think it's irobot. You have the artificial intelligence who is more like Data in Star Trek, who sort of has empathy and has aspect of humanity and is incredibly powerful
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:56
It began with tools to keep us warm, tools for us to hunt better, tools for us to turn into civilizations and countries, tools for us to use the bathroom more adequately, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So AI. Is not the enemy. It's just innovative ways of looking at intelligence. It is expanding our intelligence
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:19
I'm a medical record coder, and there is a possibility that AI could start coding our charts for us. I hope not, because right now we as people are doing it. And yes, there are a lot of little nuances and stuff to medical record coding that maybe an AI could not do or perform. But I think all of us need to take a look, not just at AI, but at technology in general and how it's taking over various industries
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:17


So there wasn't really much of a conversation about AI for a while and all of a sudden, here it is. It is exciting. I think. I'm really sort of curious about what creators and storytellers can do with the technology. I know that also comes a lot of downsides because bad actors and people with bad intentions can also create things that can be very destructive to society
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:18


Hello. Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts. And I'm glad that you brought brought up this point that the artificial intelligence is an extension of us. And I think sometimes it's very easy to look at it as some sort of outside force or some sort of like something from another planet or another universe. But it is an extension of us, of who we are. And of course, course, technology is what has allowed us to be the dominant species on the Earth
Leo Allen
@LeoAllen · 4:08
I think it could be used in a number of ways. I mean, I've used AI for content creation. It doesn't create my content, but it's a tool that helps me along the way, like any other tool. People, when you think about things like tractors and bulldozers, you're walking down the street and you see these things lifting tons and tons of steel and rocks and you don't think, hey, that thing is stronger than me. It shouldn't exist
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:42


But I think that human touch, that human insight is still very important. It's going to be very sort of important to many industries for quite a while before there's like a complete takeover by AI, as many are predicting. And you mentioned about creating for your business. This is, I think, the most exciting aspect of artificial intelligence because everyone to a certain extent has creativity and have imagination, but we all don't necessarily have the skill sets or the tools to express that creativity
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:49


Hello. Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts. Really. You made some really great points. I think you're right. It's a tool. And we sometimes we can say, is it good? Is it evil? Is it a friend or foe? But it's all about it's a tool and the intentions of those who are using it, that is the focus that we should have
Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 0:12
You. Happy Monday. I'm very confused on this AI thing. Artificial intelligence, whatever we want to call it. I really am. Thank you, though
Alfred DaCosta
@L4HPodcast · 1:38
Now, I know statistic wise, AI can predict things, trends and things as such. But to follow the human the human mind and creativity and to follow it, it falls short. I can see it being dangerous when it coles to a point when it starts to infiltrate our information, personal information. Now, if AI get a hold of my information, he can be real disappointed because I have nothing for hide
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:06


It's all going to be about how we choose to use it. And there are going to be some people who want to do bad things. And so there has to be certain factors, certain steps that's taken by leader and the officials. But, yeah, it's a tool that will be used in so many different ways. And that's what I think is the most exciting to see the amazing things people can do