Shelly Hulce
@GladgirlShelly · 0:40

How I found the Swell app and how I want to use it...

You. I was intrigued by this app because I would like to write my life story, but writing takes a lot more time than I have, and I think with saying your life story, there's more passion to it, and the way you can express yourself is lost in the text of writing. So I hope this is a good place for me to dump my story, if for no other reason than to just get it out of me. Bye

#s21nbpv2p6 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @arish

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:49
Hey, welcome to Shelly. I think you're so right. I think this is a perfect place to do it. It's so easy. You don't need to set up any sort of equipment. And, yeah, I feel like sometimes I get stuck with writing, and it's nice to just hit record and tell a story and let it flow. And you discover a lot of beautiful things when you do that, I think instead of looking at a blank page
Denise Adame
@mamasocal · 0:32
Hey, Shelly, welcome to Swell. I think you're gonna find. No, you're going to love this app so much. It's very easy to understand. The community is awesome. I've been on it for a few weeks now, and you're right, it is easier to say things and explain things, sometimes times, rather than writing things down. But yeah, welcome to Swa