Josh Colon
@Gitdown · 5:00

"Are you?" (Reswelling for chronology)

Theresa found out about my adventures in the brothel during Fleet Week and decided that we were just a fling. No soul mate of hers would ever visit a brothel or entertain another girl. She's right to want better for herself. She wrapped us up as a fling and deservedly so. We became friends and email each other. The emotional openness was there. She's been crafted upon listing ten things I hate about Josh, including I hate that you hold on to girls the past so much
Josh Colon
@Gitdown · 2:23
And as much as she's critical to my aunt, it's not the same as your own kid. No. Why would you even ask that? I stormed off. I wimped out. She wasn't in the right place. And recovering from her breakup, this was also right. My brother had gotten locked up. She just couldn't handle anymore. And I couldn't risk it. And kicked out without a job. Would she do this?