Gary Held
@gheld1102 · 0:40

I Love You More Each Day

article image placeholderI LOVE YOU MORE EVERY DAY
Um I met Leah in December of 2020 when she moved in with me. In the spring of 21, I wrote this song for her. I presented her at the kitchen table, and she cried as she listened to it, saying nobody's ever written a song for her before. Again, I wrote the lyrics, sent it to Nashville, song Glorious, recorded it. Leah and I got married in September of 21, and sadly, she died of a rare autoimmune disorder


Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:18
Hi. Thank you so much for sharing this sweet story and your song and what an amazing gift that you gave. And I also love Owls. And this picture of this owl is beautiful. Thanks again for sharing
Gary Held
@gheld1102 · 0:21
Thank you for the kind words. It was a very difficult time losing Leah, but I'm glad I wrote the song and presented it to her when she was still healthy enough to enjoy it. I'm excited to be a part of this podcast opportunity, and I hope you'll continue to follow me. Make it a great day