My goal is to raise the PH level in myself and others to a point where that now we can maybe start taking these drugs that these doctors prescribe and other things because our system be more healthier to be able to deal with it other than just putting it in the weak system. And we don't even know what's going on, really. And we just throwing stuff in there just to throw it in there
GeraldSidney Bolling
@GeraldSidney · 4:54
And then I got to change my whole diet and turn it over to something else. Right now I'm starving. My body is depleted of nutrients because I can't get out to the store. I'm hurt. My wife hurt. We don't have a car. Can't get around, can't go to the right stores. You're trying to go to these neighborhood stores, all of them closing down, and they selling junk, and all of them
GeraldSidney Bolling
@GeraldSidney · 4:52
If anybody out there knows how to stream and all that and could teach me how to work, it because I'm trying to do a radio show now and I'm on Radio King, but I'm still having trouble because I'm not sophisticated with all the information. So I really want to try to get this radio station across because now it's a dire need. Now it's already to the babies and oh my God. So I know I don't want this to hit nobody, man