Bipasha Sachdeva
@gentle_flowers · 3:09


So let's pay for the paper and stay safe. And that flood end and the loss is as minimum because it's so heartbreaking to even think of it. The water that you use in daily life, the water that you drink can harm you in the worst way possible, can harm your close ones, can harm anybody and a lot and everybody, let's not take this lightly and judiciary and use the resources on that nature

#sayitwithsweel #water #flood

Simran Sehrawat
@simrannnn · 0:59


Hideaka first of all and informative. Like when I read your title feed, I thought it would be, you know, like we have to answer. And then I heard about this. He told me every day learn about this. People go through a lot of a lot because of this disease. That's my view on this