Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 4:42

A Healthy alternative to Snacking

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Hi, this is your friend and well wisher, Anjana Kamo. And today I am here with some healthy eating habits. So, you know, a lot of times whenever we are hungry, we move to the kitchen, we open the refrigerator, we just pick up anything that's there and eat without understanding and realizing what we are having, what we are consuming

#saynotosnacks #healthysnacks #selfhelp #goodhealth #healthyeating #healthyhabits

Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 4:59

Choose your food wisely

And one of the best advice I will give to all of the people around the world that please understand your body, listen to the nutritionist, not to your favorite actor or actress or serial actor or any kind of person who is saying that, oh, this is the best food for the growth of your children. We see a lot of advertisement on tv, on social media by our so called actors and actresses. So we must understand that he or she is doing to get some money
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:45


And yes, we must listen to people who have knowledge about the subject rather than people who are being paid to talk about it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Take care. Bye
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 4:40
You see people taking, popping in pills around you. So you start telling yourself that one day even I'm going to be sick. So I have to make myself, you know, immune to all these things. So I shouldn't be worrying much about my, you know, health aspect. But we don't realize that how much harm we are doing to our own self when we come to this realization that this body is like a temple for us and we can't really be mistreating it
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:01
And people don't understand, even if they are consuming a lot of junk food. And they have this claim to make that we don't have any kind of, you know, physical ailment. We are perfectly fine. We don't have bp. We don't have, you know, we are not prone to diabetes. We don't have any other kind of metabolic disorder
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:45


Thank you so much, Swati, for, you know, your valuable insights and all the points that you have shared. And I really liked the point on genetics because the gene mutation, because I think that is very scary because things like that can change an entire generation. So we have to be very careful as to what is happening with our genes and how they are getting mutated by our wrong habits and how they're going to affect so many people after us
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:31
So replacing them with healthy alternatives would obviously be the best choice one can ever make. So thank you so much, Ranjana, for such detailed explanation. We'd love to listen you again, thank you
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:04


Thank you so much, Gauri, for reverting on this. And I'm so glad that you agree. And that's right. You know, we end up having kurkuri and other kind of chips or all these carbonated drinks when we can easily replace it with, say, some, you know, sweet lime or lemon water