Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:35

Is it really "your opinion?"

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Opinion. Opinions. Everybody has one. I find opinions to be great because how else are you going to express yourself? Wouldn't it be weird if we only could speak in factual tone? Only could speak on things that are objectively true? That would make for Vulcan, right? We would be Vulcans. Some people would find that cool. Even me, to some extent, would find that cool. But here we are mere human beings

In an ever more opinionated landscape as social media has become, have we forgotten what an opinion is?

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:22
No, I believe that a lot of the opinions that people are posting nowadays are just regurgitations from their favorite influencer. Whoever they're following on social media right now, they're just regurgitating what they've posted. And we've created this echo chamber of sorts where everybody is just echoing what they read, what they heard, and not really forming an opinion based on facts, based on experience, based on data, a well thought out opinion
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:31


So that's where, like we were talking about with the manosphere thing and men, these influencers encouraging men, young men to have vasectomies so they don't have to deal with child support and can live their life as best as they want. It's interesting because a lot of these men in these sort of circles, they get certain content that they see often