Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:12

Are you a Rule Breaker?

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What was the last rule you had broken? And did you get caught in the act? And if not, will you continue to break the rules?

Were rules meant to be broken?



And really, if you want to have conversations with people who do interrupt, you have to interrupt too. And yet I feel horrible when I do it because I hate being interrupted too. I mean, I'm okay with it to an extent, but keep doing it and shutting me down and not allowing me to speak, and that pisses me off. But anyway, that's like a rule that's broken all the time, right? Do you jaywalk? Do you not jaywalk?
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:53
Are you back? I don't know why I just broke out into a pirate accent. R Dewuan. Miharti, you said that you were a landlord and just going to abandon ship, but here you are
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:01


Hello. I believe we spoke about rules on Swell once upon a time ago with another Swell caster. And I find actually, that I need rules to some degree because those boundaries allow me to create. But there are people out there who can't create with such limitations. And their first rule of business is to bend all of the rules for no other reason than it is a rule. Chaos and order play a big part of our existence on planet Earth as sentient beings with a conscience
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:09


That rule you broke is what many are breaking. I think it's a response to defiance of capitalism and toxic productivity. We are all supposed to stay busy, but really, why should we always stay busy? Thee how many hours do we really work? Per hmm it's fascinating. I remember I was talking with a lady this was many years back, during the days of MySpace, and she got fired from her office job because she was on MySpace too much to think that was a thing
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:52

@SeekingPlumb #irecycle #flattenthebox #environmentalsteward #😂

You. I just want to point out that I am one of those people that flattens the boxes before I put them into the recycling. And I obsess ad nauseam over whether certain things belong in recycling or belong in trash. And it trips me up. Quite often. I get very upset with my family if they put trash in my recycling bin, and some of them are far worse offenders than others. So in that respect, I am a rule follower
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:10
After I've gone through that initial analysis, then if I have committed to following some set of rules, I tend to be pretty disciplined about following them almost to a fault. I can get very caught up in the fine details of rule following. And so for that reason, I am very discriminative in terms of the rules I commit to follow. It's one of the reasons that I prefer to write about law and psychology as opposed to formally practicing law and psychology


The only thing I don't recycle is glass because we don't have the means to do so in my building, and I don't have a vehicle to drive it to the dump. So other than that, I do flatten boxes, I do clean out cans and anything else and recycle everything. Yeah. No, the thing I don't follow the rule about is really arbitrary and has nothing to do with any of that. I'll message you privately
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 1:28


You. I should have known. You're a rules follower with recycling. It makes total sense. I don't know if I fully believed that you were not a person that would know the rules and laws of recycling. As you were talking, though, I'm laughing because it made me think of this story that when I first moved to Colorado from Florida, my neighbor, he was all worried about the crazy ass Florida people moving in next door
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:21


Recycling. It's interesting because in the states there are no hard rules that are implied with recycling. They just show you a blue or green bin with a recycle symbol or icon and occasionally they'll tell you what you can recycle or not, but people just use it as an additional trash can. I should know a janitor and the amount of times I have seen ink toners cartridges in the recycle bin, which they're not supposed to be. Those are supposed to be recycled by special company
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:37


Hey, Dewuan. That's pretty interesting about the people throwing the ink dispensers in with the rest of the recycling. It does say recycling on the packaging, but yeah, that would make sense that you probably don't want to do that. I'd heard, though, that we were at one time storing all of our trash on some island, some deserted island off the coast of the Pacific, and that at some point we were selling our trash to some eastern country
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 5:00

Rule breaker and Recycling plastic.

And I've almost been hit because you're walking across the street, says you can walk, and then somebody decides that they're going to pull out for whatever reason. People turning, especially, I do not trust them. So crosswalks. I have a problem with crosswalks and just a lot of the union crap. Man. Here's the thing with the unions, and this is just my personal experience
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:36


It. That sounds like an idea. Surely it does. But I'm not the person to make something like that. You are. You seem to be very passionate about recycle, recycling and waste in the environment. So go for it. I, um I'm at a loss for words this Friday, but I'll get it together
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 0:42


I have to be very discriminative in what I choose to focus on because I go from zero interest to passionate real fast. Anyways, happy Friday. I hope you get your thoughts together. Bye
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:09


And in America, you don't have to know much, but, you know, socialist sounds bad, and a communist sounds bad, right? Capitalists. Some people may see that as bad, but some people may see, well, that's because you're broke. So there's interesting ideas on rules and regulations. And is the matter in life to find rules that best serve man, or is it to get rid of rules because they never served man to begin with?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 5:00

@FryedOreo Rules and Cronie Capitalism

But unfortunately, this country has a tendency to use crony capitalism to push different ideas or push different products so that you don't really have a choice, or crimes get ignored, done by big corporations. Like, for instance, Nestle, stealing people's water and killing people with chocolate. Formula. It was formula. They were killing babies with formula. I think it was like 300,000 babies. Yeah
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:54
They may kind of get fed up with that and be like, hey, we need that every hour on a dot. Not an hour and 30, not 2 hours. But once you go over 2 hours, that's when they get on you. But yeah, I'm not good at doing reports hourly. I was never really good at it. I've been doing this for ten years. I just don't care enough to do it every hour. Yeah
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:19


And that first idea. Go with that. Don't think about it too much. And I'm glad I put this out here because it became so much more than what I thought it would be. And thank you for making it more in your own way