Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:58

Ethics Epi01: Factual Morality

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But I ask you this, should there be universal good and universal bad that we all recognize regardless of our gender, race, age, religion, or political ideation? Is it even possible in conceptual thought for this to occur? Some may point to their God, their religious book or sacred text and say, of course, I'm reading it right now, I'm living it right now. But if we all do not agree, how then can it still remain good or bad?

Should there be Universal Good and Bad that all human understand/adhere to? #ethics #morality

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:31


But this idea that we all can agree on something, even as you had said, right, to not harm children, and you said, yes, there's many specifics and nuances you can get into with that, but there might be a small minority of people out there that will be like, well, you know, or maybe if. Or what about, you know, that sort of way of speaking to which can bring about controversy. It is taboo, right. Children

@FryedOreo https://s.swell.life/SU8pcs2Ip0zIKup

So whether it's somebody who leans into authority or not, or somebody who is more fast thinking versus slow thinking, or more binary or more nuanced, like we need all of us in order to have a healthy society, healthy community. And anyway, all of these things, to some extent, have been tied together by others, and some of them I've tied together, but I don't remember which ones are which
article image placeholderMoral Violations and the Experience of Disgust and Anger
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:09


Thanks for this information. I feel it's rather useful to this conversation and this overall scope of ethics and morality. And exactly where do we fit in to the greater conversation of right and wrong that affects us every day in our decision making? Wouldn't it be so much easier if something told us if something was right or wrong without us ever having to think about it? But that probably would create a different level of intelligence then, right? Or would it be just a lack of intelligence?


So when I see somebody on television that doesn't fit the stereotyped thin ideal, instead of cringing at it or being repulsed by it, you know, seeing the beauty in, in them, and it's. It takes practice, and it almost has to take, like, ongoing practice, and then sometimes it becomes almost effortless
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:01


What you are speaking about right now, Christina, it leads into my second episode, which I will be airing today, which talks about ethical decision making. And it's our way of taking a problem that we may see as vile or disgusting, right. In trying to work through a bit more of a rational way of going about understanding it as well as possibly finding the solution. Although there's not always a solution. Right