Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:53

Aging Well Vs Never Aging

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Those who are blessed by the genetic gene pool not just in their youth, but also in their old age. But America doesn't seem to really respect or like its elderly. It's a nuisance that we just want to get rid of. Put them in some old folks home. Forget about them. But we too will get old one day, right? We even are perceived as old by the younger generation, depending on who you are

Is there a difference?

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:48
People look at my skin all the time and ask me what kind of skincare routine do you have? I don't have any. I just drink a lot of water that's like the chief beverage of the day. I might drink Starbucks and other stuff from time to time. But water, it's all about the water. For me. And it keeps your skin hydrated, which keeps your skin looking younger


But this is really, I think, indicative of how our lives have played out by choice and not by choice. So for example, he has lived a very busy life in all the best ways, but also the stresses of life. And so that can have an effect on aging. And because of my health, I've had to guard my stress levels to keep them low in order to keep my pain as reduced as possible. And so that can play out in what our hair looks like
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:03


Sometimes we tease people for not dressing their age, quote, unquote. But when they grew up, the old folks at the age they are now weren't dressing like how they were, they're dressing fly in comparison. There's a lot that's going on in terms of what we identify as elderly age. H***, for all we know that could be the purpose of us on Earth to reach an old age, not to stay young. But yeah, it's interesting
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:25


Not only wrinkles I have to look forward to, but also hair loss is showing my age or has shown my age to some degree. My daughter constantly reminds me of this. Dad, you're old. Why is your hair not growing on the top of your head? And I'm like, I don't know. I'm going to try to make it grow next week. I always will tell her. But, yeah, that's life. Aging well versus never aging