From Silence
@FromSilence · 0:43

Final Frost - Poetry 3/19/23

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Final frost crystals glitter in morning's creedon light making lowly grass like a starry sky simple moments of beauty oft or looked few will brave the cold less still stop to see a short while ago this was every everywhere common for the time now when at the end seem uniquely great as it fades away tiny galaxy right beneath our feet melts within the light that had made it shine

#poetryfromsilence #nationalpoetrymonth2023 #poetrymonth #poem #poetry #poet #writing #writer #spring #frost #morning #nature #simplegifts

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:47
Hey, I love that. I feel that big time where I am here in the southwestern region of the United States of America. It seems like we are getting into spring. And there's a couple of nights here where it is still a little frosty, a little chilly, but, man, it's coming. springtime is coming. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing. And, yeah, frost is fading. The grass is going to be cut again soon enough