Michael Slade
@Freshslade · 5:00


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Like, desperate is a bad thing, but it's not going to bear any fruit because you're doing this for somebody else's approval. And ultimately, that is not justifiable for me, even though working out is a great thing. And when I ask myself, like, why am I going to the gym? Why am I going to work? Why I do anything? It has to be justifiable it almost has to pass the court. Because I feel like there are two distinctive voices in me

#mentalhealth #love #motivation #thinkbeforeyouact #honesty #self-love #growth #empowerment

Kyla Norton
@kkylaa · 3:41
And because of that support system, I know that I'm capable of a lot and I just want to make sure that I can get myself into almost the best state possible that I can, whether that's through health, through knowledge, through mental health, etc. And that also may be my perfectionistic tendencies coming out
Michael Slade
@Freshslade · 2:47
I love Kitchen Nightmares and all that stuff, but it's hard to watch it sometimes, him and Judge Judy, because I like the show, but the snapbacks and degrading people and yelling at them, I don't like that either. I definitely implore you to go ahead and be as sweet as you can be with these people because I think we need a lot more of that in life. People like Judge Judy and Gordon Ramsay, they have those type of sharp attitudes because it gets views
Michael Slade
@Freshslade · 4:01


And all you really want to do when you're young is please the ones who take care of you, please the people who love you so much. Especially like you. You said you had a great support system. I could say the same. Where if you had such a strong support system, it can be such a pain to want to disappoint them or to choose differently from them. Because all you really want to do is make them happy