Frank Bishop
@FrankBishop · 4:59

Acting: Don’t cast yourself

And another instructor, early on in my junior college was like, why don't you do play Mark Antony? You are a Shakespearean actor, which I never thought I was. So just don't look at television and film and what you've seen in theater and go, okay, I'm supposed to play these roles. Don't do that to yourself. Just go out for the roles you want to go out for, and then allow yourself to be surprised, because that happens a lot

#ActingJourney #TheaterJourney

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:08
Hey, man, I really like this whole approach and your background story. It's definitely the hero's journey. If you don't know what that is, I would highly recommend you look up Joseph Campbell. I have a couple of swells on my page that introduce Joseph Campbell to those who don't know him. Huge, huge mentor of my life