Dr.khushboo chauhan
@Fragrance · 4:36

How Emotions and behaviour regulates by Brain ?

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So the limbic system is not a specific organ or a part of the body but rather a group of brain structures that work together and it includes the hippocampus amygdala. Now forget about the hippocampus and amygdala, just remember the terminologies. So these two are each of which is actually a pair of organ on either side of the brain. The hippocampile play important role in memory, learning, long term information storage and spatial reasoning whereas the amygdala help the body processes emotions and behavior


Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:26
Hi. First of all, I would like to thank you for explaining about the limbic system in a very detailed manner. I just knew very little information about it. But today, after listening to your swell a lot, I got a lot of new points, and I understood a lot of new things from the swell. So thank you so much for helping us to learn about this particular clear system