Pat Phillips
@FourLM · 1:59

#MyProfile | Pat Phillips

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Hello, hello? Hello. Swellcasters. This is Patrick Lane Phillips, founder and CEO of one of four Lane marketing. We drive down four lanes story, strategy, creation and relations, digital marketer, in person marketer, direct marketer, whatever title you want to give it. It's all related

#FirstSwell Four Lane Marketing, LLC. Story. Strategy. Creation. Relations.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:30

#marketing #proinfo

Hey, Pat. Love the idea. Love the approach. I would love to hear more about what your metrics are and how you gather your data. Do you use CRMs or Google Analytics or is there a mixture of things that you use for different sites? Because I feel like there's no one source site for all the data coming in from all your marketing streams these days. But maybe there's something I'm missing. Would love to hear a swell on that. Maybe a little bit more information
Pat Phillips
@FourLM · 4:56

@dobbsty #communications #theatreMarketer #nonprofitstory #theatreDirection

I've got a lot going on and right now I'm hopefully about to come into a position I've applied for that is basically a sales assistant for a food and beverage venue that also brings in lots of different talent and business like corporate, also mom and pop, but also very queer friendly. So looking at analytics on those kinds of ads that I'm going to be putting out there is going to be interesting. So stay tuned