therese blandlastname
@filmfaerie · 4:07

Greetings and Salutations…

You screw up once you think that your life is over. So I'm trying to be brave. Anyway, this will eventually be the precursor to my book. I just want to get the story out somehow. Somehow. Somewhere. Somewhere. So if you're interested or pretend to be interested, just say, I'm hard on hairy trying to carry on something from a private radio

#newness #thefilmfaestrikesback

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:14
What is your plan? I mean, I'm intrigued, definitely, and I think you have a great voice for podcasting and for this app. But, yeah. I mean, I'm intrigued. I'd love to hear a little bit more, if you're willing to say. And if not, I'm here for the ride. So I'll tune in for the following episodes. Yeah, welcome and thank you. Bye
therese blandlastname
@filmfaerie · 1:18
Hello r o or Ro. Hi. Thank you for responding to my post. I'm really surprised somebody did so fast. I am completely new to the podcasting world, so so I've been kind of feeling my way about and so far it's been really interesting. Everybody's been very nice and kind and everyone seems very interested in what everyone else has to say. So I'm writing off of that and thank you for the compliments
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:38
So any time you want to chat about a film, let me know. I chances are I have probably seen it. I've seen a lot of movies. Way more than I could count. Anyways, talk to you soon. Take care. Bye