Maximilianos Vitch
@Fernando6 · 0:26

Spred peace and love

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You. Hello, everyone. This is me from this world. Such pleasure to talk to you on this app. Well, if we say this life is very tough. This life is very difficult for everyone. And as a human being, we need to help each other and spread love and peace

#peace # love #human

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:11
Hey, I absolutely agree with you. And this reminds me of a Virginia Wolf quote, which for the life of me, I can't remember word to word right now. But the sense of it is basically, we are all in the same boat and that boat is probably sinking, I think. So that was part of the court. So why not just help each other? Why not just ease the journey for each other?