Ferris Moore
@FeMotivationz · 4:25

Focus on what matters in the moment

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You guys, let me know what you think, let me know your comments, and let's have some open dialogue about it in an attempt to all grow and mature in all of our relationships. All right, your boyfriend motivations. I'm out


Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:38


And then they'll then allow them the opportunity to tell you what you missed or what you didn't understand. That's all a part of active listening. Now, I will say, for me, sometimes I forget my thought. And so I will say, can I just interrupt you one quick second? Because I don't want to forget this thought. And then I'll say whatever I need to say. And then I'll be like, okay, now you can continue
Ferris Moore
@FeMotivationz · 1:50


Oh, man. Thanks, Andrea. Those are definitely all great points that, you know, with the, you know, like when you talk about repeating back what a person is saying and all those type of things, because that's all part of communication. You know what I'm saying? That's what I call effective and not effective. You know what I mean?