Felicia Seeds of Love
@FeliciaSL · 0:17

#TellYourStory | Something I did once but will never try again...

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You something I did once but would never try again. I would say that would be to give others my power, to allow others to determine my worth and value. And that's something that I would never do again

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar2 @phil

70Daily Word
@ParamoreBarzey · 2:15

"Life Value Lesson " #paramorebarzey

They are very hard to find. I had to find that out the hard way. But if you do find one, that is a good thing. I guess you remember growing up and there were many friends in your circle, but only a few of those you chose to be your true friend. Okay, you got where I'm going with this. Thank you for letting me share that little excerpt with you. I appreciate your story and have a good day. Bye now
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Felicia Seeds of Love
@FeliciaSL · 0:51


Hello. Well, hello there, and thank you so very much for your kind remarks. Your remarks are well received in my full temple. It is such a pleasure to hear someone who understand where you're coming from. And also to have your message received at this moment is so timely, and I am truly grateful to God for it. And so I hope to connect with you as we move further in this evolution of life