Human beings, girls, and my son, soon to be son here, who they are as a person, who they are as people, how they represent themselves, how they treat other people. So I'm more emphasizing on developing people who are young people that's going to work on being better people each day. Because I've said this before in different swells I don't see anyone as a good person. I see us as trying to be. Because this is a journey

Evolving into you

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:57
And even with that, because I never really got with the whole african American thing, because I've never been to Africa, and I cannot trace back to Africa. And even recently, as of 2018, I discovered that my dad's grandparents were full blooded native American. I want to say the Askoy tribe in north Carolina. I'm messing up the name, but I'm just learning this
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:03

#fatherhood #dad #mindset #grace

And by them, I mean your kids the tools necessary to take on the world and be confident as they do. So I love your attitude on creating that awareness of just being strong willed and continuing to be better than you are. I like that. I think that it can be difficult in the modern world where there are so many people who have so many negative opinions and are outspoken about them, oftentimes where we want to be better than others
October Selfcare
@Selfcare · 1:51
And I've been lately telling them it's not about your color. Of what is? Who you all are, as you said, who you are as individually. Sometimes I ask God why he didn't make us color blind. For we didn't see color and we just see human beings irrespective of other how people treat us. That means you have a beautiful family. I wish you and your wife the best and your newborn baby and wish all the blessings and hope the world can stop accent
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00


It'll come to them quick enough and then explain it to them. But I don't think let them know right off the bat that they're going to have a problem because you don't know that. You never know how the world's going to turn out. But there are going to be idiots out there who have things to say to your children because that's probably what they were taught at home. And that's a shame
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
And then I had my baby in a babysitter baby seat up on the table where I was folding. My other daughter was sitting on the edge of the table. I wasn't paying any attention, but they said, mama, there's somebody at the door. Well, I turned and looked at the side door, and there were three or four black boys came in and they were just staring at us
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
And I was very proud that my children didn't see something that could have happened. Whether they were black, white or green, it didn't make any difference. I raised my children not to be prejudiced about things that they went to a school that didn't have any black people weren't enrolled in the school where they went, and they weren't when I went to the same school
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
She thinks everything is supposed to be level and it's supposed to be there, and if it's not, then it takes her mental state down, because to this day, she worries about what people say and do. Like she was raised the second girl kind of went her own way. She plowed her own row and was able to handle anything and sometimes maybe handle it a little too harshly. But my son was a completely different thing. He was a boy. Well, as sons usually are