And this is why get past just the love and the infatuation and get to the like, why you really like that person. I like that person because the way they do whatever it is they do, their personality not what they give you, but who they are naturally and organically. So just wanted to put a finger on that one and check you out temperature and see how you felt about that conversation and your feedback. Once again, this is an open forum

Its a choice

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:47
But I think when it comes to love, like, you talked about the relationships, even the relationships, when you love someone, you still care for them and you still want the best. You can love someone and not be in love with them, in a sense of family relationships, but want the best for them. And you're going to treat them with fairness, as long as they treat you with fairness. But to like someone, that's a bit of a choice