Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:38

Dating Chronicles: Feeling a bit overwhelmed with dating?

Because to be honest, a lot of the bad, poor habits that I learned over the years and that I displayed was not going to be attractive to the man that I envisioned that I want to be with. But I also found myself being very tired at this point with dating and wanting to take a break because I've had a few situations where it just was, like, weird. Maybe people are dating more than one person. Maybe people want more energy that I'm able to give them
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:14


But I but prospects, and then I'm catching myself on the ones that are decent or seem decent. I'm not buying that they're decent. And so I'm not putting a lot of energy into it, honestly. But maybe that's just where I'm at or where I need to be right now. Maybe that will change. But, yeah, I'm already talking about backing out. That's pretty sad. How long I've been doing the dating app thing? Not very long
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 2:07
Dollars. And I understand wholeheartedly I don't know the dating app per se. I haven't really stayed on them. I feel like I get super overwhelmed with responding to a lot of people. Everyone's talking to everyone. You get days in between from both me and the other parties of us responding repeated questions over and over. I just never really been fond of it
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 2:30

@everythingjay thrivelauramonk

But yeah, I think I'm where you're at, where I'm just like, f*** it. I don't even know. It just takes so much energy. And I don't get out enough to meet anybody, which is why I went to dating apps. And oh, god, it's just draining. I mean, it's comical. I started a little spin off on my Swell cast of Renee attempts to date or whatever
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Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 3:07
Yeah, you want to be a little more careful or whatnot? But at the same time, I feel as if it's all people. And people that I've met in person have been s*****. And people that I've met on those apps have been s*****. I am also socially awkward, so those kind of sites helped me a little bit
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:14


Yeah, girl. I'm glad. You're going to check her out? She seemed to have some good stuff. I've only listened to a couple of them because I just came across her, but she seems to seem to know what she's talking about, as far as I can tell. But so I'm glad I was I'm glad I was able to share something. Hope it helps