Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:52

Dating Chronicles: The block button doesn’t hold the same weight!

I say all this to say that a lot of the things that we are saying on the internet that we are displaying is another way for unhealthy men who have not healed from a relationship from their past to then feel that they have the playbook to the rest of the women. They can't even trust that you are a good woman because they haven't done the work on themselves. And letting that door back open without repeated change behavior is the wrong idea. Let me know what you all think

Emotionally unhealthy ppl do not take the block button serious! Lets talk about it!

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:34


Yes, yes. Preach on. It like hitting the nail on the head. And another thing I'd like to point out is all that s*** you're seeing on TikTok or whatever, where these women are thinking it's a game is a problem. Because you have women out there that will test somebody with this block feature, right, that will hit that block button it just to see if he will put any effort to get at her again
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 1:36
It's funny that you say that, Renee, because I appreciate people that stick it out as long as possible, let you hang yourself and then say, hey, but once it's done, we're done. And the reason being is because that's more admirable. You don't throw in a towel quick. You're not going back and forth, you're not on the fence. You're just like, hey, I'm here
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:32


It's probably done been on repeat. So I guess it's just a different perspective. But I wouldn't use it as a testing thing to see if they will fight for you because you know how sometimes that's a thing and then like the therapist that I work with had told me, just be careful going there. Unless you mean it because I don't want to bypass something that's really good
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:54
So I'm calling them, they call me, they text me. I'm texting them where I've dated people and I expected for them to do majority of the reaching out. Because when I reached out, in the back of my head I'm like, well, I don't want to do too much or always having thoughts
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:06


I knew it's going to be like super picky because I don't want to get in same s*** I or anything that doesn't fit into, you know, compromise. I don't want to f****** compromise because I've compromised enough. So I understand. I kid it we both just a hot mess. You know that, right? Both of us. But I got your mess if you got mine
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 3:35
I never used to date off of there in the time that I chose to. I didn't know he had a little rep on there or whatnot, and had I known, I definitely probably wouldn't even visit the situation. But I think everything is meant to happen for a reason. It is what it is
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 2:40


Eventually I want to see what a healthy relationship looks like, what it is, what it feels like, because I've never had that. But for now, I'm just like, take me out, make me feel pretty and buy me dinner. That's it. That's it. But I don't want to go out with anybody that I think is not a decent person. You know what I mean?
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 2:48
It was a series of events that may have led up to that. And just because you think you're learning from them doesn't mean that that's going to guarantee your outcome. Because you could fall for someone who you think is the right person, and then he turns out to be ain't s***, right? So it's very easy to judge others when you're sitting back and just looking from one point. But I'm just looking at her like, just live a little
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:56


Car. There's judgment and everything. It's ridiculous. And I appreciate the fact that you don't you don't judge, you know? And I'm not judging either. Because you know what? I've never I've never even thought of it being a thing. That because you are in your 30s or forty s and have not been married that that makes you look bad in some way. No, that means that you know what you want. You know what you want
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 1:02
It's. I actually never thought about that. But you're right. It's definitely not what it used to be. I feel like you have guys in some of their songs, they might even mention that. They might even say things like, oh, she blocked me, but I know she's going to come right back. Things like that. You know what I mean? And I feel like that is the reason why
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 1:46
Or like I said, utilizing it for the wrong reasons and encouraging toxic hot and cold behavior, because that's all that is. We're cool women and we're not women, and we're cool women or not. So I think it kind of enforces that behavior as well because it's such a joke