Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 5:00

I think I finally understand why some people turn to drugs and alcohol

It just affected everything as a whole. And I've seen people turn to hard drugs and I see how they just let go of everything. So their children, their responsibilities in life. And I used to be like, wow, how did you get there? Because I've always smoked trees. And they would say that that is a gateway drug to other things
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 3:26
But it's not to say that I'm going to turn to hard drugs or alcohol or anything, but I just think that I understand that. Why? Because it allows them to just block out everything and all the responsibilities that's placed on them and give them the chance and the opportunity to kind of face tail with everything, to be honest. But that's all I had today. Guys, it's a beautiful day outside. Well, I am off right now