Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 5:00

Does the fear of being single and alone come from within or from other people?

Final love for me has stressed me more than just enjoying my life and loving people in general my family, my friends, my child, me. I've been struggling because I'm getting older, and you have so much pressure behind growing old alone. People were fortunate enough to spend all of their 20s in relationships. Was someone raising kids, building a family? And I didn't do that. I had a little glimpse of it, but I didn't have the longevity of it
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 3:46
Or is it something that's drilled in your head that you have to have or you will die lonely and alone? Or is it a true fact that that's what will happen? As I read and do research on people and interactions and just living life in general, many people struggle with being alone every single day. And it ruins their life to the point where they can't even enjoy waking up and being healthy
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:57

Holding space

I don't even care. Most importantly, what I wanted to do is respond to you first and hold space for you, to let you know that I hear you. I simply hear you and empathize with you. And I want you to know that you are seen and you are heard. And I'm going to take a moment of just breathing in silence for a few seconds before I end this recording in honor of that holding space for
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:07

Part 1

And so, okay, let's say my stance is let me do what my family says or what religion. Because religion is man made. It's not spiritual. It's not rooted in the true, untainted, unwavering love of God, of the universe, of whatever deity one, whoever is listening believes in. It's not rooted in that it's man made
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:47

Part 2

Because people are with people not from a space that comes from the fire in their belly, from a space that they know unequivocally, without any doubt, they're with that person. Because I don't want to be alone. Or society says I should, or this movie I just watched made me feel bad and I should, or family says that I should, or religion says that I should. So I should pursue people and I do it
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 5:00


What's required is the egg and the flour and everything else that goes in the ingredients of making the brownie. It's not required for me to have the cherry on top. It's not required for me to have the whipped cream. And that's what other people are, whether it's an intimate partner or a friend, a platonic friend or a family member. That's what those extras are. They're just unnecessary accessories because we're already dope solo, we're already dope alone
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 5:00
I was always told by people great things about me being great but I would always be up and down 1 minute I feel so great and on top of the world and that's minute I feel like the worst thing ever and that was a part of my attachment style too. Once I did the research on
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 5:00
It wasn't until I just did this thing over the wintertime and really zoned in on myself that now when I go out, I feel so great, I have a great time. It's even gotten so good to the point where I remember when I would date someone and they would make me upset I couldn't go out and really have a good time