Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:57

Take accountability and stop blaming others!

Because sometimes when things are not good for us, we tend to still show up for them. We tend to still have the door open for the things that are not good for us. And then we place blame. Is there people just operate in a very inhumane way. Yes, but who can we control in all of that? Who can we control? Only ourselves. We can't control anyone else's actions. We can't force them to feel a certain way
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00
Well, if you tell them, then you can't get mad at them when they go tell other people, you know, they gossip, you know what I'm saying? So why get upset with them? Why are you getting upset with them? You should be upset with yourself because you know they gossip and you knew that when you told them. Whatever you told them, they were going to tell it. Even if you don't want to admit you knew it
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 0:46
But back to your point, to your post, we have to take accountability for those type of situations and we can't blame the other person for being who they are. We just have to deal with them accordingly. So good topic. Thank you for sharing this