Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 2:20

Dating Chronicles! Help a sista out!

It. So I got my first dose of what I think is very controlling behavior from a prospect. I met this guy, he's very adamant about finding his wife and that's fine, but his attitude towards it is very desperate, very scary. I'm trying to tell myself that he's just in a place where he just wants that connection, right? I've been in a place where I don't hear from people and I'm like, hey, what's up?
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00


It just, you know, that's a question that needs to be answered that you have to also answer yourself. You have to ask yourself, how long have I known this guy? Maybe it's a little too soon. Maybe that's just a question that should be answered. And the thing is that when you find someone when people find someone to spend the rest of their lives with, that's not always that easy
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:54


And this way we can try to help one another get to where we are looking to get to. Because it's not just you that's looking to find someone. It's a lot of us. Some of us, like myself, have been damaged in relationships. And I'm at the point where I am done. I am done. It's just too many headaches. So it doesn't mean that there aren't good people out there. It's just that it takes time
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:30
You need to be prayerful about some of these guys that you're meeting. I know that the world is telling us, you need to get out there. You need to get out there. You need to go on dates. You need to do this, you need to do that. But really, you don't have to go on a bunch of dates. I've yet to see where going on tons of dates gets us closer to marriage. It really doesn't
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:39
And especially when you get to a certain age, and I will be a liar if I said that. Comments like that didn't start to get to me. When I was younger, I just was like, I just haven't found what I'm looking for. And I was okay with that. The older I got, I became like, okay, well, I haven't maintained a long term relationship in a while, and I don't know where I'm going wrong. Right
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:59
They say, you got to get out there. You got to meet someone. And I never really had a situation where it just turns into a relationship by working with someone or by running into someone, right. It always never really happens that way. But lately, I've been just healing some things about myself and just working on things within myself, and honestly, it's showing, like, it's glowing through
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:53
Instead of working on himself, he works on himself for two minutes, and then he's back in a relationship. So he is no person to offer anyone any type of advice, especially me. Just because somebody tells you a situation, right? You can give your opinion, but you don't know, really know, because you're not in it, right? But you see this, you're not even in six weeks deep, and he's already showing you traits of who he is
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 2:46
And I've been there before, not to his extent, but I've been there where I'll focus on a relationship because, oh, something else is going wrong in my life that I'd rather not tend to at the moment and ignore it. So in order for me to do that, I tend to focus my attention onto someone else's problem or someone else
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:24


And and I've started to try to be more careful about what I put out into the universe as far as, like, if I say that that's what I draw, that's what I'm going to draw. But I do believe there's a lesson in everything. And maybe the lesson is to be proud of yourself, because you're recognizing it now. You know what I'm saying? You're recognizing it