Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 4:31

Incel "philosophy" and mass violence

But going back to talking about things that we're fed from an early age, one of the big ones is the idea whether or not it's explicitly put this way, that men are owed something from women, right? And this can be seen even in the idea that I'm sure you've heard this, that a no is just a yes that needs convincing, right?

#massviolence #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth

Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:41
And I think that these sort of people we as a society, as parents, as community members, need to do the best that we can to make sure that our kids are not consuming this content or anything that even resembles. You know, while some of the parents of these students might have said back in the, you know, jake and Logan Paul, they're harmless
Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 4:22


But I would like to think that they have a conscience and at some point would see this kind of starting to get out of hand and take a step back and kind of reevaluate what they were doing. But I don't know. I'm probably wrong on that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:47
Hey, Evan, how's it going? Yeah, I mean, I completely agree with your previous swell. I would like to think that people can see through the facade to some degree, even though I do believe that people like Andrew Tate, they actually believe what they say. There's absolutely a certain amount of hamming it up for the cameras that's happening. And in the case of the Paul brothers, we know that to be absolutely true
Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:01
That's when a lot of people turn to these dark corners of the Internet and find people that are very similar to them and have similar ideas. I just think we have to do better at addressing these issues. Yeah, I guess that's all I got, man. But thanks for posting this. It's a discussion, I think. Like I said just now, we need to be having it. So I appreciate you bringing it here