Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 2:18

What’s the real cause behind mass violence in the US?

And actually, people with mental health diagnoses are more likely to be the victims of acts of violence and the perpetrators of it. So that's why I think we need to be a little bit more specific with what we're talking about and say what nobody wants to say. And that the problem, is with men and the stigma surrounding men's emotional health. So curious to know what you all think about this, but that's kind of my take on that subject

#mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #endthestigma #endgunviolence

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:36
I'd love to know what is because I think, of course, the access to to guns is really scary, but it still doesn't like the underlying root cause of that needing to exert that violence, that needing to whatever is tormenting a man inside of himself. That needs to come out when it comes out in a violent way. That's what we're dealing with
Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:21
I've been involved in two mass shootings in my life, and that rate doesn't seem to be going down. It's going up. And unless as a collective, we really and truly acknowledge all of these different things that are contributing to this. I'm not certain that we're going to get anywhere. And it's very easy for some people to say, oh, well, it's access to guns, and other people say, well, it's access to mental health resources
Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 5:00
And one of the reasons why I made the original Swell was I had watched a video about a guy who had killed his ex girlfriend after she had broken up with him because his behavior was getting increasingly erratic and he was abusive and things like that. And he had seen combat in Iraq or Afghanistan. So there's definitely that component to it as well. But there is this overwhelming mentality behind men and women and relationships that if a guy is rejected by a woman, his response is to respond violently
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 2:38
Hi. What you just described is a very interesting take. I never looked at it like that. I'm not gonna lie. I was thinking to myself, like, but men are not the only ones that do things like that. And then I was like, oh, my God. Men are really the ones that commit mass shootings. That's crazy
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:55
And when you attribute a person that's overworked, overstressed, evan, overstimulated, over anxious, any of these overt form of exhaustions lends itself to some sort of outburst. And when you attribute this to mass shootings and we see the profile that it's mostly men, the problem is that I feel like we just have not caught up with the commonalities in just the modern era
Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 4:02
And then this resentment that they develop for feeling like they're being left out when it's their own fault, it's their own hesitation, their own resistance to change. Because change in a society is only as good as the people who support that change. And we're going to continue to have people resisting it. And that's what's going to stand in the way of true progress when it comes to any social issue, is those people who go out of their way to prevent it
Kaif Malik
@i.kaifmalik · 2:19
Social isolation and alienation can push individuals to seek recognition or revenge through violence. Moreover, cultural factors that romanticize violence in media or perpetuate entitlement can contribute to a skewed perception of violent actions. It is crucial to approach it with sensitivity and a commitment to understanding. The nuances solutions require a multifaceted approach addressing mental health, reevaluating gun control policies, promoting social connection, and fostering empathy
Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 4:58

#mentalhealth #gunviolence #massviolence

That is a component of it. But it is not that and that alone. And it is also not just increasing funding to mental health programs. It is not that and that alone. It's not even those two things combined that's going to solve those issues. It is so far beyond that
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
Because I keep listening to stuff on my phone and they're saying that we're all messed up. I just want to be like my dad or whatever. I think it's getting to a point this is my own personal opinion. It's getting to a point we're going to have to add a pro now because I can play you the swells where heterosexual men are running a disclaimer like there's something wrong with them for being heterosexual men. I'm a man, but
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
It. I mean, one gentleman went as far as to say, you know, I don't I don't identify as anything or I know I'm male because I have male parts. I'm a father, you know, I have daughters. But I wanted to let everybody know that I'm not the average male. You know, I mean, like, what's wrong with that? I understand that people have people have been abused, people have issues, s